Friday, March 25, 2011

Hair plugs and Man boobs

Like a stale chicken nugget, Matt McNormal and I had no flavor. Date number two was just as dry as the first. No big deal.
Then I had this other guy, (whom I'm CERTAIN had hair plugs, but I'm trying to keep an open mind) ask me out on a date. I did the babysitter shuffle only to have him cancel on me! He says, "but don't forget about me!"
Don't worry asshole. I won't forget you were the guy who bailed on me after I busted my ass finding a babysitter, and stressed all day about covering up the freak zit on my cheek that won't go away.
Oh, and let me not forget ROSS. He and I exchanged a few emails on He asked for my phone number. The next afternoon I had a picture text pop up of him in his boxer briefs (is that a lil chubby I see? yes, it is) man-boobs and all. His tits were bigger than mine. I began to wonder: do they grant a discount for a couples liposuction?
All-in-all, this week was completely inappropriate and disturbing.


  1. He sent you an unsolicited boner pic? WRONG-O! More entries please! Hurry, hurry, hurry! xoxoxoxo
